Friday, November 13, 2009

Drew Kennedy - 2009 - An Audio Guide To Cross Country Travel

1. Room #27
2. Miles From Anywhere
3. Headlights
4. St. Abilene
5. Cincinnati
6. Buzzing Like A Wire
7. Sharon Springs
8. Rolling Around in the Bed
9. Songbird
10. Caroline
11. Love and Rain

Remove Per Request of The Artist (Guess he doesnt realize that it might actually benefit him in the long run to actually let people hear his music)


  1. hey thanks! I've always wanted to make a list!

  2. wow way to be a dousche.... i guess you can be happy you made a list since youll never make any sort of chart

  3. Seriously? If you know the guy, you know he's one of the very nicest, most friendly guys in the business who will visit with anyone who wants to talk to him after the show. You also know that he GAVE AWAY his last live album and you can get it for free. I agree that putting some free music out is good for exposure but you can understand the guy wanting to make a living too. Also, learn to spell douche please.

  4. Whoever created this list of shame is an idiot. More than likely, they are angry because they don't know how to play music. So, they made a blog to talk about people that can play music. You should be ashamed of yourself for thinking that you have the right to decide who belongs on this "List of Shame". Drew is a phenomenal musician and the charts that you speak of...he probably doesn't give a damn about them.

    "The Sun is my gold. The world is my oyster..." - excerpt from.. Fresh Water in the Salton Sea by Drew Kennedy
